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Youth Programs
Youth Energy Camp

Youth Power Energy Camp is designed to help you develop your leadership skills, have summertime fun, and at the same time learn about one of rural America’s most important industries – rural electrification.

As one of the outstanding young people selected by your local cooperative to participate in the Electric Cooperatives of Oklahoma Youth Power Energy Camp, you’ll spend June 1 through June 4 enjoying the pleasures the Red Rock Canyon area offers – from volleyball tournaments and swimming to hiking and roasting marshmallows over an evening campfire. And best of all, you’ll make friendships that will last a lifetime!

Join us at Camp Canyon, near the beautiful Red Rock Canyon, where you’ll experience first-hand the exciting world of rural electricity – watch safety demonstrations, climb a pole, watch a co-op crew at work, and tour one of the largest generating facilities in Oklahoma. Plus you’ll have the opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills by working with new found friends from every corner of the state to set up and run your own cooperative business.

Washington D.C. Youth Tour
If you are a high school junior, you could be a winner of the Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. for a week during June. It’s free, it’s exciting and it’s fun! You’ll join some 1250 high school juniors from across the United States to learn more about government, rural electrification, leadership and electric cooperatives.

The trip begins with a “Get Acquainted Banquet” in Oklahoma City, where everyone meets, makes new acquaintances and has an evening of fun. After arriving in Washington, D.C., the tour of our nation’s capitol includes days filled with sightseeing, a riverboat trip on the Potomac and breakfast with Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation. Students also attend a series of educational seminars to learn more about government, the cooperative form of business, and the business of rural electrification.

Each electric cooperative sponsors contests to select students who will represent their service area as well as the state of Oklahoma during the Youth Tour trip. The contest will require you to prepare a talk, take a test or write an essay on some phase of rural electrification. Contact Harmon Electric Association to learn more about deadlines, specific requirements, rules and information. HEA will also provide any necessary materials for you. Impartial judges will grade you on your subject knowledge, originality, neatness, and grammar.

To learn more about Energy Camp and the Washington D.C. Youth Tour, email or contact Charles Paxton at 580.688.3342 or 800.643.7769.


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